Trade Show Displays Made in Canada

June 20, 2013

A large percentage of a business’s marketing expenditures are spent on event promotions. Therefore, this expense must be allocated in a way that optimizes the response companies receive from their trade show audience. Within this blog, we’ll look at two tools that companies can use to improve their trade show displays during the summer events.

1)      Vibrant HD Displays Bring Character to Trade Show Architecture

Visitors to trade show events are often attracted by media. They listen for voiceovers and keep their eyes peeled for moving images. That’s because they’re comfortable with this style of promotion. It offers them a sense of control that face-to-face interaction doesn’t. Integrating tools such as HD displays within trade show architecture can help draw in a crowd. They could the use this display to highlight their latest innovation or service, building audience understanding and presenting direct brand information without the pushy sales-based approach.

2)      Social Media Tools Drive Event Interest

Social media engagement is now at an all-time high in the business world. Companies must ensure that they have a social media presence in order to promote industry events. A further benefit of such tools is that companies can hire a blogger to post event updates to their account as they event continues. This provides a channel for further lead engagement during summer events and shows potential clients that the company is taking innovative approaches to their marketing campaigns.

To capitalize on their events this summer, companies must utilize the previously two highlighted tools. By staying engaged before, during and after the event, firms can achieve a long-term boost to their marketing returns.