July 23, 2013
With firms across the globe looking to reduce their marketing expenditure in order to save for later expansion, reducing the costs of trade show promotions is a leading prerogative. With this objective in mind, many are cutting costs on trade show architecture. But cutting costs shouldn’t lead to quality materials. Within this blog, we’ll focus on two ways companies can reduce expenditure on event tents and still achieve resounding success with their promotional campaigns.
1) Reduce Set Up Costs by Finding Easy-To-Set-Up Tents
Companies can save a large amount of money by locating event tents that their in-house personnel can set up and dismantle. Oftentimes companies pay for set up and dismantle costs as part of their tent rental price. Or they may be paying a company to set up the tent they’ve purchased. By simply finding an easy-to-set-up tent, companies may find they’re able to cut their event costs by a 1/3rd. The key is to find tents that combine high-quality aesthetics with an easy-to-set-up design.
2) Share Event Tents
One method for reducing event costs is by sharing event tents. Non-competing companies may find that sharing event tents is mutually beneficial. Each company will benefit from having the other’s customers close to their materials. So this means that firms can share in their event costs while gaining access to a potential new market of clientele. It’s a win-win scenario that has helped growing companies forge superb returns on trade show investments for many years.
The cost of trade show marketing does not have to be excessive. Consider all the event-based cost-cutting options available to your organization. You may find that the lowest-costing solutions offer the best rewards in the long term.