Trade Show Displays Made in Canada

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAJune 1, 2017 – Good logistics are one of the “hidden secrets” of great trade show performances, particularly for a business which is planning multiple indoor and outdoor displays over the course of a year. With smart planning and optimization, a company can shave a lot of money off their exhibition budget, while those which neglect the logistical side risk wasting money or even damaging their displays.

Accordingly, along with our more prominent services designing and constructing indoor and outdoor displays, we also offer a full suite of services specifically intended to help you optimize your logistics! With Best Displays & Graphics as your partner on the back end, you can significantly reduce your own managerial burdens while getting top-quality services at highly competitive rates.

Storing Your Displays with Best Displays & Graphics

One of the key services we offer is trade show display storage. This is a more important aspect of planning for trade shows than many people realize! Improper storage of exhibition materials can significantly decrease their useful lifespan, or risk showing up to shows with faded or visibly worn display pieces.

When you choose Best Displays & Graphics to store your displays, you get:

It’s simply a better way of storing your booth equipment. We’ll make sure every piece is given the treatment it needs, while helping to maximize the lifespan of all your indoor and outdoor displays and associated materials.

Best Displays & Graphics Repair & Upgrade Services

Storage 3Thanks to our long history of working with trade show displays of all types and sizes, we’re also able to offer substantial repair and upgrade services – even for booths we didn’t design ourselves. From ripped vinyl, to bent or broken pieces of framework, to electrical issues we’re happy to help fix up your existing equipment.

Likewise, we can also take an older display and bring it up to day with new features. We can work with you to add electronic or light elements to existing display pieces, or make any other alterations you desire.  Then, we can store the pieces for you until they’re ready for their next appearance.

Transportation Is Simple with Best Displays & Graphics

Transportation can be one of the biggest budget issues with trade show displays, since it’s often overlooked as a cost factor. Best Displays & Graphics can simplify the process for you, while leveraging our knowledge of the industry to find the best possible deals on shipment – no matter where your materials need to go.

We’ll do the legwork, comparing prices on national and local carriers to ensure you get great deals on transportation. At times, we can even set up bulk shipment deals to further reduce your costs. And if you ever need to ship your indoor or outdoor displays to other countries, we can even help you with the customs requirements and other bureaucratic hassles associated with international shipment.

We Do Setup and Teardown Right

Finally, there’s the critical step of seeing your trade show display set up properly at its destination, as well as being dis-assembled and stored for the next show. Our turnkey service truly can take you from the warehouse, to the trade show, and back, without you or your workers ever having to lift a finger! We’ll even work with the exhibition space directly to ensure you’re fully in compliance with their rules and regulations.

All the while, you’ll benefit from our experience in handling trade show materials and know that you have genuine talent keeping your investment safe.  

Simplify Your Trade Show Experience with Best Displays & Graphics

We’re here to make it as easy as possible for you to put on a great exhibition appearance, while minimizing your expenditures. Contact us today to learn more about our turnkey trade show logistical services!