Trade Show Displays Made in Canada

Instagram Show DesignOctober 13, 2015 – “Oh the times they are a changing,” sang a young Bob Dylan, once upon a time. While this message was relevant in 1964, it is arguably even more relevant today. We have all noticed it: the information age has quickly come upon us and now we have nothing to do except embrace and adapt to the rapidly changing world around us or be left in its dust. Because of this ever-fluctuating environment, it is difficult to predict what our society will look like (even in the short course of 10 years), which is why it is necessary to keep up to date with the latest trend that is taking over the world: social media.

Many of us were surprised to learn about the widespread growth of social media as a common practice because it all happened so quickly. It was a good platform for connecting with friends from all over the world, but social media websites never gained much interest until the birth of Facebook. Unlike Myspace and other earlier social media sites, Facebook was successful because Zuckerberg learned from his predecessors’ mistakes. Primarily, the reason Facebook was such a hit was that the founder knew exactly what function he wanted it to perform and gave this to its users in an organized layout where everything was easily accessible. Moreover, unlike Myspace, Facebook did not clutter its website with ads; instead, Facebook posts one, single advertisement on its home page.

Simcoe TourismToday, many business professionals, especially older ones, are hesitant to adopt social media strategies because they are not used to and/or aware of them. But the cold, hard facts are that social media is here to stay (as evidenced by the many new social media job positions created in the past several years). Social media is not just a way to connect with your acquaintances anymore; social media is the most effective way to advertise yourself as a professional and establish the reliability of your company on the internet thanks to websites like LinkedIn, Twitter, WordPress, Facebook, and others.

According to Best Displays & Graphics, social media is not just important for conferences, but a necessary one! In a world where the majority of all of our research is conducted on the Internet, social media offers businesses a free opportunity to advertise themselves and their upcoming conferences. In particular, Best Displays & Graphics encourages businesses to engage and promote themselves via their social media platforms. There are many ways to do so, but consider the following innovative ideas:


  • Create a custom hashtag for a featured product or service that you’ll be exhibiting at the show.
  • Have leads use the hashtag in social media posts as part of a contest.
  • Hashtags can be promoted using a banner stand as an inexpensive, one-time marketing graphic.
  • Have a photo contest or a “tweet to win” contest.
  • You will benefit by not only engaging with your brand but also expanding your reach through social media users.


  • Use social media before, during, and after your trade show to create awareness of your participation in the show, and to promote your product or service.
  • If the show you’re participating in has a custom hashtag, make sure to include it with your postings.
  • The promotion can be done before and during the event.
  • Afterward, continue to promote on social media.
  • Ask for feedback from people who were there, connect with new followers who you met, or request sharing of photos or videos from the event.

Brabeia Display StandAt Best Displays & Graphics, we take care of all your trade show needs to make sure you don’t have to. We specialize in designing all kinds of graphics for booths and displays and have many products that our customers are welcome to choose from including pop-up displays, banner stands, flag banners, literature racks, flooring, kiosks, tablecloths, and drug identification kits. We can also help you with construction, installing, dismantling, furniture rental, internet, booth repair, storage, shipping, and more.

Contact the professionals at Best Displays & Graphics today to see for yourself why companies continue to come back to use our trade show services time and time again. If you would like to learn more about how Best Displays & Graphics can help you properly plan your next trade show, contact us today by email at or over the phone at 905 940 2378 or directly at our Markham office and showroom address. Information about all of Best Displays & Graphics’ products and services can be accessed by visiting our website at Read our blog or view our gallery to see some of the interesting projects that we have completed in the past. In order to stay on track, download our complete checklist today.