Trade Show Displays Made in Canada

Your trade show booth design should be continually updated to follow your brand’s marketing objectives. If you have limited experience in the branding process, you can turn to our experts at Best Displays & Graphics for guidance. In this new post, we’ll explain how to refurbish your old trade show booth design.

Add new elements to the design

Consider adding new elements such as lighting or counters to your existing display. Incorporating lighting can help you to highlight your brand more effectively at larger events while adding new countertops and tables could give you more room to work with promotional materials at all upcoming shows and events.

Invest in updated graphics

Graphic trends evolve over time, and it’s imperative your brand stays competitive within your industry by updating its graphics. Look at how other leading companies are using imagery to sell their brand to the public and ensure your brand’s graphics are in-line with the top-of-the-range in your industry.

Blog 1 Image 2 2Choose a modular display

You can also add a modular display to your current display selection to completely refresh your brand’s image. The functionality of modular displays to be reconfigured and redesigned helps brands achieve a fresh appeal at each new event. Modular displays help your brand exceed its marketing objectives while reaching new audiences.

Incorporate the existing display into a new system

Reduce waste by using your existing display as part of a new display system. Work with your trade show booth design team to integrate the current display into the new unit and create new opportunities for marketing your brand using resources already available to the team.

Turn to Best Displays & Graphics for trade show booth design services

Our team at Best Displays & Graphics crafts booth designs that transcend the industry standards and help your brand reach its long-term objectives. Contact us today to learn more about how we can turn your current display into your most valuable future event marketing tool.