Trade Show Displays Made in Canada

June 17, 2014

When a company invests a large amount of their marketing budget in a trade show display, it’s imperative that the display they’ve chosen holds its value over time. Some Toronto companies find that their chosen system quickly loses its appeal, as cracks and tears appear over time. It’s an issue that prevents companies from achieving optimal value from their display products. In this blog, we’ll outline a few tips to help ensure optimal maintenance and long-term value of trade show displays.

Select a Professional Shipping Firm

Companies often find that they must transport their display materials across the country as they attend business events. It is during this time that most display damage occurs. Therefore, this is a task that cannot be completed without specialist assistance. It’s important for business owners to speak with several shipping companies to evaluate how to best prepare their displays for transportation to event venues.

Reduce Storage Risks

For those companies that only attend a handful of industry events each year, high quality storage systems are essential to effective display maintenance. Companies should review storage system manufacturers in their area to find a product that will keep all graphics and display architecture in top level condition for future years. Display storage areas should be clear of moisture and high temperatures to protect materials.

Create Structured Installation and Dismantling Processes

By carefully choosing those event personnel who will be putting up and taking down displays, companies can mitigate display damage occurring at their events. One of the most common problems occurs when event staff is in a hurry both during set-up and the take-down process, leading to mistakes and expensive display damage.

By following the best-practices for maintaining their trade show displays, Toronto companies can achieve excellent value from the latest products on the marketplace. These effective maintenance processes can reduce display costs by thousands of dollars, providing small businesses with an advantage over competitors when it comes to resource allocation during their promotional campaigns.