Trade Show Displays Made in Canada

November 30, 2016 — CGI__004Truss displays provide several unique performance advantages at promotional events. They allow brands to stand out for their unique design and can be harnessed to hold larger items such as LCD screens. But before investing in the latest truss display product, it’s important you know more on the various options within the marketplace. And so, to guide you as you begin to learn about truss displays, this post will provide you what you need to know before buying.

Not All Truss Displays are Crafted Equally

Built by trusted manufacturers, truss displays can offer lasting durability as part of an ongoing promotional campaign. But some market products simply don’t hold value. And this means that you could be losing your investment if you choose to buy the wrong product. Try to avoid products that use thin tubing frameworks, as these are often built from poor quality materials and have little weight bearing capacity.

Truss Displays Are Scalable

KD PrattYou don’t have to go all-out when buying your first truss display and buy the most expensive system in the marketplace. The leading market options are scalable. This means you can build upon your system over time, adding components as and when required. Then, if you attend multiple shows per year you can change the displays around, making them smaller or larger depending on the type of crowd expected at the event. It’s the type of system that empowers business owners with full marketing control for their events.

Begin exploring your full range of event display options with our team here at Best Displays & Graphics. Call now at 905-940-2378 to learn more on how can help your organization achieve its long-term branding objectives!