Trade Show Displays Made in Canada

The return of trade shows is rapidly approaching. After lengthy closures and lockdowns caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses across the country are eagerly ramping up their marketing efforts and preparing to get back to the trade show floor. With high stakes on the line, it’s more important than ever to capitalize on your trade show display in order to capture valuable customer interactions and potential sales for your business.

At Best Displays & Graphics, we’re committed to helping you make the most of your trade show marketing initiatives, from the initial consultation, to your trade show display installation. Here are 3 tips to help you make the most out of your upcoming trade show display!

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Tip #1: Be Authentic to your Branding

Your branding is what makes you recognizable and trusted by your audience. Which means staying “on brand” is extremely important when designing your next trade show display. Remain true to your brand by using consistent colours, imagery and messaging to create an eye-catching display that draws visitors to your booth from across the trade show floor.

If your business is going through a re-branding, trade shows can be a great time for a relaunch. Just keep in mind the old messaging or other branding elements that connect your existing audience with your brand. Create a display that reflects your new business image while keeping true to what current customers are used to.

If trade show design is not your forte, leave it to the award-winning design team at Best Displays & Graphics. Our design team will create an authentic trade show display for your business that reflects both your company branding and products or services.

Tip #2: Know your Target Audience

At the end of the day, your company’s purpose is to better serve your audience. Design your trade show display with your target demographic in mind. Consider their interests and needs to develop a display that appeals to your audience.

If your ideal audience is tech savvy, this may mean including lots of tech gadgets from iPads and VR headsets, or even printing QR codes on your display’s graphics. If they are environmentally friendly, design your booth with “green” elements in mind. Going that extra mile for your booth design can make a big impression on trade show attendees and your overall lead generation.

marketing at trade shows

Tip #3: Focus on Attendee Engagement

Your company’s booth design should ideally draw a crowd, but creating an engaging experience for trade show visitors ensures attendees take the time to truly interact with your brand, your services or your products. It also provides more time for your booth staff to sell, or generate new leads.

Unsure where to start? Consider these engaging experiences for your next trade show appearance!

Don’t forget to think long-term! Placing your social media handles on your trade show display encourages online communication and makes it easy for customers to share their experiences with your products or business to the world. A simple design element that provides lasting returns for your brand for years to come!

Regardless of what you do to engage visitors, make sure to keep in mind your trade show goals and brand messaging to create a seamless experience for attendees.

Learn how to make the most of your next trade show display with the experts at Best Displays & Graphics. For over 30 years, the professionals at Best Displays and Graphics have been proud to offer innovative display solutions and turnkey trade show services. Turn to BDG for trade show displays, in-house graphic design, installation and dismantle services and more! Head to Best to learn more!