When working with a professional supplier in purchasing trade show displays and accessories, you will have to ship the display to either a local warehouse facility or to the event directly. How do you know which option best suits your organization? In this latest post, our team will explain the pros and cons of shipping your trade show displays to the event venue versus shipping it to the set advance warehouse.
Advance Warehouse Advantages
- Each show venue has a specific warehouse in which displays are kept secure and in top condition for the event. The security within the warehouse will be superior to that available to most organizations through the event venue.
- This option also allows you additional time to take inventory prior to the installation of the display. If any components are missing, you have time to respond before the event begins.
- You will have a confirmed shipping order detailing that everything has arrived and is in ideal condition.
- With delivery dates to the advance warehouse beginning around 30 days before the event, you’ll have shipping flexibility and will save money on priority shipping.
Advance Warehouse Disadvantages
- The warehouse will only accept items in crates and cases, and items that have been palletized. You may not be able to send smaller items to the warehouse.
- Storage and labour costs will be higher before the event, restricting your trade show profit.
- Additional charges can apply depending on the warehouse and the complexity of your trade show order.
Direct to Show Advantages
- Shipping small packages directly to the venue will often save on transportation costs.
- Direct to venue shipping will help you save money on material handling services.
- No deadlines on shipping, giving you more time to prepare for other elements of the event.
Direct to Show Disadvantages
- Your trade show displays will be one of the hundreds being shipped to the venue, leaving no guarantee on delivery timelines.
- Additional labour costs may apply if your staff is left waiting for the display to arrive at the venue
- Any promotional activities could be delayed
By learning more about the value of both advance warehouse shipping and direct-to-venue shipping for your next event, you can make a more effective decision about your company’s own trade show displays. Our team at Best Displays & Graphics has experience both in terms of setting up and dismantling trade show displays at the event venue and within the trade show display storage industry. And we’re here to guide you in making that ideal choice for your business.
To speak with a display expert today, call our team now at 905-940-2378 or email us via sales@bestdisplays.com.