Trade Show Displays Made in Canada

August 27, 2015

All successful business owners know that in order to harness the true potential of their brand they need to appeal to their consumers, but what many don’t realize is that the best way to do this is by stimulating, not 1, but all 5 of the senses. Although it is often difficult to do this with certain forms of media, like television or radio, trade shows are the perfect opportunity to appeal to all 5 of the human senses because they encourage attendees to interact with sponsors.

The True Power of the Senses

Consider the following facts about the true power of our senses:

  • According to Live Science, “The farthest object visible with the naked eye is the Andromeda galaxy, located an astonishing 2.6 million light-years from Earth.
  • The smell is more closely linked to memory than any other sense and losing the ability to smell can often also mean losing the ability to maintain close, personal relationships.
  • Most humans can only hear sounds up to 20 kHz (lower than most animals); however, humans are significantly better at distinguishing high and low frequencies.
  • More people fear losing their sense of sight than any other sense because it is an amazing organ that processes everything in our world, simply by reflecting light.
  • According to an article by Scientific American, “Touch and emotional engagement can boost early childhood development,” but a lack thereof can have lasting negative consequences.
  • Human beings are able to taste 5 different flavors: bitter, sweet, sour, salty, umami, and taste buds regenerate once every few days.


Epson BoothHow You Can Draw In Potential Customers by Appealing to Their 5 Senses

There are many creative things that you can do to create a pleasurable and sensory experience for attendees. At Best Display & Graphics, our booth designers will listen to your specific display needs and wants, help you create your event space, and guide you in the right direction throughout the entire process. Below are just some ideas that exhibitors may want to consider using at their next conference:


From LED lights to tablets, there are many products that can be used to make a booth look better. But if you’re currently in the market for a new booth altogether, Best Display & Graphics can help you create as large or extravagant of a booth thanks to their Fabframe and Blueprint solutions. Working together with our talented graphic designer, you will be able to create a jaw-dropping, head-turning setup. It is also important to make sure that your brand logo is clear on your display and that potential customers know exactly what it is you are selling.


While it may be difficult or inappropriate to use speakers and methods of sound amplification at a conference, some venues will allow you to play certain audio at a reasonable volume. Tablets and other screens may also be used together with sound.

Uncle Smoke Barbecue Banner StandSmell/Taste

Regardless of your industry, attempt to incorporate smells and tastes into your display that are somehow related to your business. For example, a company that sells flowers may bring fresh-smelling flowers with them to their next show; a company that sells meats may choose to bring some cooked samples.


While touch is a super important sense, sometimes the lack of touch is just as important. Because trade shows are packed with countless industry professionals as well as consumers, there is often a lot of crowding and little breathing room. Many attendees long for a place where they get away from the close, personal intimacy of conferences. If you have a booth with an entrance and a sitting area, make sure that it is large, spacious, and easily accessible. Best Display & Graphics can even create “break spaces” for companies that require more lounge room for their potential customers

Epson Booth 2At Best Displays & Graphics, we take care of all your trade show needs to make sure you don’t have to. We specialize in designing all kinds of graphics for booths and displays and have many products that our customers are welcome to choose from including pop-up displays, banner stands, flag banners, literature racks, flooring, kiosks, tablecloths, and drug identification kits. We can also help you with construction, installing, dismantling, furniture rental, internet, booth repair, storage, shipping, and more.

Contact the professionals at Best Displays & Graphics today to see for yourself why companies continue to come back to use our trade show services time and time again. If you would like to learn more about how Best Displays & Graphics can help you properly plan your next trade show, contact us today by email at or over the phone at 905 940 2378 or directly at our Markham office and showroom address. Information about all of Best Displays & Graphics’ products and services can be accessed by visiting our website at Read our blog or view our gallery to see some of the interesting projects that we have completed in the past. In order to stay on track, download our complete checklist today.