Trade Show Displays Made in Canada

June 9, 2016 – With their supreme portability and durability, the leading banner stand products are now transforming the way businesses approach their marketing processes. The process of purchasing display banner stands requires owners to consider several business elements, and within this post, we’ll highlight three questions to consider for Toronto companies investing in display banner stands.

  1. 13 - Video & Backlit Banner StandWhich Type of Banner Stand Suits Our Organization?

The first question to consider is which type of banner stand suits the organization and its on-going requirements? Does the company require a stand that allows for flexible campaigns, such as a cartridge banner stand, or a product that has refined appeal to captivate event attendees, such as a Back Lit Banner Stand? To ensure an effective answer to this question it’s important to highlight branding objectives to a display specialist.

  1. How Often Will we be Exhibiting?

The cost of a banner stand doesn’t have to be overly expensive. But company leaders should consider how often they’ll utilize the product to ensure they make full value for their investment. By answering this question, companies will also discover how durable the banner stand must be to meet their marketing objectives. They can then find a product that is both affordable and meets their performance needs for years to come.

  1. 33-48-33 Bubba BackwallWhat Branding Challenges do we Face?

When analyzing the banner stands on the marketplace, it’s important to consider the branding issues the organization faces. Is the goal to introduce audiences to the brand or to simply highlight a new product within their catalogue? By answering this question, companies can then make the distinction between unique products and display banner stands that offer a classical appeal to relate with modern businesspeople.

To discover more on how to select high quality banner stand products, speak with the expert team here at Best Displays & Graphics today via 905-940-2378.