Trade Show Displays Made in Canada

January 22, 2013

There is little point spending thousands of dollars on event fees and trade show architecture without putting full effort into ensuring that the event is a success in terms of the company’s promotional needs. For modern organizations to achieve a great ROI in their trade show events, they must ensure that their booth is well attended and that many leads are procured for the company’s sales team. With that in mind, we’ll focus in this blog on two ways to boost attendance at a trade show booth.

1)      Engaging Audience with Interactive Technology

Companies can build their brand successfully at trade show events with a little innovation. For example, many companies now utilize touch-screen systems at their trade show event in order to both educate their audience about the company’s product and present their products and brand in a futuristic, cutting-edge way. Using the newest technology will always help to draw a crowd. Company leaders may wish to research local area technology specialists to link with for dual brand promotion.

2)      Hire Guest Specialist Speakers

For industry events, it’s important to have booth hosts who have an in-depth understanding of both the company’s product and the industry. Companies should try to hire guest speakers who have insider knowledge to speak at the event. Promoting this guest speaking engagement before the event takes place will ensure that a crowd surrounds the trade show booth as interested audience members desperately want to know the latest information surrounding the industry.

To get the best return for your company’s investment, following the preceding tips and ensure all event objectives are met with precision.