Trade Show Displays Made in Canada

July 3, 2014

The portability and the cost-effectiveness of retractable banner stands make the systems the ideal choice for growing companies that are intent on making an impression at their business events. But one of the leading problems many companies are facing is that their retractable banner stands are going unnoticed by attendees. With that thought in mind, here we highlight two mistakes companies make when in the placement of their retractable banner stands.

1. Small Banner Stand is Placed Behind Stage

It’s important that all members of the audience achieve optimal viewing of the retractable banner stand as they pass the company’s display area. But one of the major mistakes companies make is placing their display staging area at the very limit of the venue walkways, and then placing their banner stands back from the main area. It’s important that banner stands are positioned directly in-line with displays to achieve the optimal effect.

2. Banner is On a Stage Above Head Height

Some companies use a large stage and staircase to promote their brands at trade show events. In this type of set up, banner stands are often placed on the stage to welcome booth visitors. But this minimizes their impact as they only affect those who have already decided to communicate with the company representatives.

Choosing the optimal position for retractable banner stands is often as important as choosing the type of banner stand for the event. These versatile systems must be placed where they will be seen by all audience members to ensure their aesthetic value and their functional performance is maximized. Speak with one of our event experts today to learn more!