Trade Show Displays Made in Canada

December 17, 2013

Companies that have made a recent investment in one of the leading exhibit displays are reticent to spend even more to replace that display. Yet they still must stand out within the marketplace as they seek to compete with their industry rivals. And so firms must find ways to enhance their older display products. In this blog, we’ll highlight two particular products can give firms a competitive advantage in the tradeshow space:

1)      Kiosks

Tradeshow kiosks can be an exciting addition to a display area. They can be added to any display the company current utilizes. And when working with a professional design firm, companies can ensure that the kiosk addition they buy features the latest graphics from their newest promotional campaigns. By featuring the latest products and services at the kiosk, firms can complete a full revitalization of an older display model.

2)      Literature Racks

Featuring literature racks within an older display is a cost-effective way to enhance the brand value of the exhibit. Companies can highlight the latest innovations within booklets or the company magazine, which can then be integrated into the racks for passers-by to ready. One of the advantages of this approach is that it ensures an easy storage space for company marketing materials. This assures more display space for product showings and ensures a cleaner, more approachable display aesthetic.

Driving brand recognition forward with each new event can be a challenge. When it comes time to freshen up exhibit displays, consider the two options outlined within this post.