Trade Show Displays Made in Canada

June 4, 2013

All progressive companies are now taking a proactive approach to online marketing. But one of the great under-utilized areas of online marketing is event promotion. Companies have a great opportunity to utilize social media tools to connect with their Vancouver audiences both before events to make their trade show displays a more valuable investment in the long-term. And so, with that in mind, this blog will focus on two tips for integrating social media into a full trade show display infrastructure:

1)      Live-Blogging Events Using Twitter

The micro-blogging site Twitter has become a crucial tool for sending and receiving information on the latest industry events in real-time. This means that Twitter is the ideal solution for companies promoting their products and services online. By live-blogging an event on Twitter, companies can provide information to those Vancouver customers in the area who may visit their trade show displays at a future date. This helps streamline the conversation between reps and customers and allows organizations to optimize their services based on consistent feedback.

2)      Connect with Industry Partners Using Social Media

Companies can use their social media tools to connect with their counterparts at trade show events. Building this connection allows reps to cement business relationships and become better organized for future events. The more contacts that are made within the industry, the stronger attendance will be at the organization’s next big event. Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are ideal for quickly making long-lasting industry connections.

Strong business acumen begins with strong relationships. Build your company’s social media network and utilize the network’s increasing power to empower your trade show events. You’ll see great differences in terms of attendance and feedback from one event to the next.